Directions to my Santa Fe Office

The Lofts 700 at 3600 Cerrillos Rd, Suite 719-E


Note: I am using my friend and colleague’s office, Leonora Lorenzo. It is in the same suite that I was in in 2022, but at the opposite end of the row of offices. Enter through the hallway or directly from outside.

(From downtown) Take Cerrillos South. 

Once you cross Richards (IHOP/HomeDepot on right; Walgreens on left) get in the left hand lane.

Pass the Ramada Inn on the left. 

Take the very next left turn on Lofts 700 property.

Follow the driveway into the Lofts Property (you will be driving over several speed bumps.)

You will come to their big sign that says “The Lofts.”

Bear left at the sign. As you continue down this driveway, the building will be on your right.

Follow the driveway down into a parking lot.

Building #7 is the last building on the left. Park at the end of the lot at the greenbelt.

Take the sidewalk that runs between the building and the green belt.

The door you will enter faces the greenbelt.

It is the second door on the right.

I’ll be watching out for you.

If you get turned around, just text me and I will come out to meet you. 505-412-1857

The office can be hard to find the first time around!

The Lofts 700 at 3600 Cerrillos Rd, Suite 719-E