The Power of the Yin Qigong

Qigong (“chee-gong”) is a medicinal meditative movement practice descended from ancient East Asian shamanic rituals. Qigong stimulates meridians and the energy of certain organ systems to promote health and healing. Each qigong form taps into the energy of an archetype from nature, following the Chinese 5-Element system of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.

I practice qigong medicinally for psychological and spiritual harmony, and embodiment.

The archetypes of qigong are powerful templates for our psyches.

When we connect with this energy in our bodies, through movement, a whole other level of transformation can occur. We are imprinting our cells, molecules, nervous system.

Then add in the very slow, meditative rhythm of qigong. When we slow the nervous system down, allowing it to down-regulate from the stress responses of fight, flight or freeze, we can actually "absorb" this medicine more effectively.

The change goes in deep.

Daven’s ways settle us into this exploration that is our being, here and now, present to what wants to unwind, unfold, unfurl within. Patience and kindness are what can be learned. Acceptance is another. This practice, deeply powerful in its gentleness, transforms inner states of being towards greater expressions of health.
— Simina Toma